General knowledge of Bács-Kiskun County the state/province of Hungary

Mostly asked questions about the province Bács-Kiskun County

What is the country of Bács-Kiskun County ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Bács-Kiskun County ?

How many cities are in the state Bács-Kiskun County ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Bács-Kiskun County ?

What are the name of cities of Bács-Kiskun County ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Bács-Kiskun County

First question is about the country which is Hungary and HU is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Bács-Kiskun County there is only 75 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Bács-Kiskun County by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Bács-Kiskun County
Country Name flag of HU Hungary
Country Code HU
Total States of Hungary 42
Total Cities of State 75

All Cities of Bács-Kiskun County

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Akasztó 46.69167000 19.20423000
2 Apostag 46.88208000 18.96210000
3 Ágasegyháza 46.84025000 19.45208000
4 Érsekcsanád 46.25352000 18.98457000
5 Baja 46.18299000 18.95307000
6 Bajai Járás 46.14507000 19.01359000
7 Ballószög 46.86216000 19.57092000
8 Bácsalmás 46.12648000 19.33260000
9 Bácsalmási Járás 46.10167000 19.33063000
10 Bácsbokod 46.12500000 19.15621000
11 Bátya 46.48800000 18.95419000
12 Bugac 46.68704000 19.68074000
13 Császártöltés 46.42194000 19.18361000
14 Csávoly 46.18917000 19.14667000
15 Csengőd 46.71543000 19.26802000
16 Dávod 45.99500000 18.91722000
17 Dunapataj 46.64400000 18.99632000
18 Dunavecse 46.91478000 18.97127000
19 Dusnok 46.39085000 18.96296000
20 Fülöpjakab 46.74221000 19.72132000
21 Fülöpszállás 46.82075000 19.23748000
22 Felsőszentiván 46.19713000 19.18686000
23 Gara 46.03194000 19.04278000
24 Hajós 46.39861000 19.12056000
25 Harta 46.69758000 19.03110000
26 Helvécia 46.83661000 19.62251000
27 Hercegszántó 45.95000000 18.93917000
28 Izsák 46.80454000 19.35172000
29 Jánoshalma 46.29861000 19.32583000
30 Jánoshalmai Járás 46.28283000 19.31742000
31 Jászszentlászló 46.56685000 19.76065000
32 Kalocsa 46.52981000 18.97283000
33 Kalocsai Járás 46.55646000 19.04211000
34 Katymár 46.03398000 19.20935000
35 Kecel 46.52528000 19.25194000
36 Kecskemét 46.90618000 19.69128000
37 Kecskeméti Járás 46.88283000 19.58701000
38 Kelebia 46.19680000 19.61659000
39 Kerekegyháza 46.93722000 19.47806000
40 Kiskőrös 46.62139000 19.28528000
41 Kiskőrösi Járás 46.63309000 19.33726000
42 Kiskunfélegyháza 46.71213000 19.84458000
43 Kiskunfélegyházi Járás 46.65721000 19.77006000
44 Kiskunhalas 46.43402000 19.48479000
45 Kiskunhalasi Járás 46.35832000 19.53067000
46 Kiskunmajsa 46.49028000 19.74000000
47 Kiskunmajsai Járás 46.49608000 19.72316000
48 Kisszállás 46.28009000 19.48954000
49 Kunfehértó 46.36091000 19.41454000
50 Kunszentmiklós 47.02699000 19.12575000
51 Kunszentmiklósi Járás 46.94810000 19.15563000
52 Lajosmizse 47.02133000 19.56171000
53 Lakitelek 46.87601000 19.99504000
54 Madaras 46.05870000 19.26121000
55 Mélykút 46.21509000 19.38102000
56 Nagybaracska 46.04248000 18.90590000
57 Nemesnádudvar 46.34051000 19.05115000
58 Nyárlőrinc 46.86017000 19.87836000
59 Orgovány 46.75087000 19.47259000
60 Pálmonostora 46.62417000 19.95156000
61 Sükösd 46.28181000 18.99524000
62 Solt 46.80101000 19.00098000
63 Soltvadkert 46.57889000 19.39389000
64 Szabadszállás 46.87575000 19.22324000
65 Szalkszentmárton 46.97565000 19.01178000
66 Szank 46.55713000 19.66103000
67 Szentkirály 46.91892000 19.91846000
68 Tass 47.02095000 19.02988000
69 Tázlár 46.54824000 19.51436000
70 Tiszaalpár 46.81279000 19.99841000
71 Tiszakécske 46.93261000 20.10349000
72 Tiszakécskei Járás 46.86013000 19.97298000
73 Tompa 46.20605000 19.53910000
74 Vaskút 46.10782000 18.98514000
75 Városföld 46.81674000 19.75668000